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Tempest Brewing Tropical Storms Part 1 Page 3

  Joy went to Shane, the other day server working and asked "can you cover for a few minutes? I gotta go to the little girls room and you know, take care of something."

  Shane looked aghast and replied "TMI girlfriend! You go take as long as you need."

  Instead of going to the ladies room, Joy snuck out back and into her car. She and Brian didn't live far, and she just wanted to make sure he was all right. But he wasn't there when she arrived home and so, she returned to work a while later, feeling even more anxious and unsettled.

  When she got back, Shane told her that Eric was looking for her. Damn, she thought, I wasn't gone that long.

  As she approached Eric he starting singing "Opie and Joy, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

  "What?" Joy demanded.

  "You got an admirer" Eric announced. Opie, or whatever his name is, the hick guy that gave you the compliment came back and wanted to know if you were working tomorrow. I told him we didn't give out that information."

  Joy was disappointed but didn't let it show.

  Eric continued "But I shook my head up and down as I said it." And winked at Joy.

  "Okay then, thanks" Joy meekly replied, "He's a dentist from Georgia, first day."

  "Oh, did you tell him about Bourbon Street?" Bourbon Street Pub was a gay bar that had pretty men in G-strings giving lap dances to men on vacation with money. A few locals also regularly frequented the notorious spot.

  "I did and he wasn't interested. Sorry." Joy admitted.

  "He's all yours then girl, have a go at it!" her friend shouted, as he walked away.

  After her shift ended she went to the bar to sit and have her shift drink. Frank was sitting at the bar with his mother Lee who had just gotten off her shift as well. They were both smoking a cigarette and sipping cocktails.

  "Did you find what you went after?" Lee asked, because she had seen Joy take off earlier. She didn't ask with malice, just motherly interest. If Key West was a small community with few secretes kept, the Schooner Wharf was like three families sharing a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment. Any secretes weren't kept for very long.

  Lee was truly a unique personality in the Keys. Petite and tiny, in contrast to her tall and broad son, she had Lucille Ball dyed red hair and an easy smile. She loved her 40 year old son, loved her job, loved living in Key West and loved sitting after work with a smoke and a drink.

  "It was nothing." replied Joy as she sat next to the mother-son pair.

  "Thank means you didn't find anything, not that it was nothing." Lee had a way of cutting to the point. In her mid sixties and living in the Keys had rendered her an authority on relationships and life situations. She had, after all, pretty much seen or heard it all.

  Frank was sitting between his mother and Joy. He tried to lighten the conversation with his typical opening. "What to see a card trick?"

  Joy leaned towards him and kissed him on the cheek. "Save it for the paying customers," she said.

  "Well okay then" Frank said, feigning to be hurt by her rejection. "How about a reading? Just pick three cards and I'll tell you your fortune. The cards don't lie." All that Frank really intended to do was dispense some generic, ego-pumping observations and a positive forecast to bolster Joy's obvious sad mood. Joy picked out three cards slowly as she sipped her fireball and Red Bull.

  "Ahh," professionally expressed Frank the showman, "Seven of hearts shows a tall dark man in your life. He finds you attractive and can introduce a stable force in your life." Frank of course was referring to himself, but Joy immediately thought of the dentist.

  "The jack of spades forebodes of deceit. Following the seven of hearts, however; means that together all is revealed."

  "Oh my, my, my, the queen of diamonds. The queen is you and the suit tells of fortune and luxury in the future. It says that all of your dreams will come true. How about that? All lucky cards. Well, not the jack of spades exactly, but placed between the seven of hearts and the queen it's all good." Frank could sure create a magical environment, even if he tried to further his own interests now and then.

  As she prepared herself to go home, Joy thought about dinner. Without having talked to Brian, she didn't know if she should cook, order in or what. Just as she was contemplating dinner her phone buzzed a text message. It was from Brian and it simply said "Going night fishing with the boys, see you later."

  "Night fishing" was a euphemism that meant "I'm smoking pot and drinking beer with the friends and then we're going to Bare Assets so don't wait up." Bear Assets was a local titty bar with steroid-enhanced bouncers and titties weren't all you could see.

  That made the decision for her. She turned back to the bar and ordered another drink. Now she could take her time and let the night unfold. She did want to get home at some point and shower and change and then who knew? Maybe she might just treat herself to Vito's tonight. The best Italian place on the island, she thought. She wondered if anyone else wanted to go. Lee was on drink number three and was going home. Frank had a show to do. Stormy was working, at least Joy thought she was, she hadn't actually seen her.

  Joy ultimately found Crystal, her friend with multiple personalities, to go out with. Sometimes Crystal was a dykish lesbian constantly commenting on the female tourists in town, at times a dainty, well-mannered southern belle, very coquettish around men. Now and then she pinned all her hair up under a hat and wore boys' clothes. That was the most unusual. Joy hoped Crystal would just be Crystal tonight, her funny friend.

  When Joy got home to shower and change, she noticed that it didn't even appear as if Brian had been home all day. Nothing seemed out of place or touched since she had left that morning. That would be unusual for Brian, who used to spending extended periods of time at sea with other guys and wasn't very neat at home. It was just one more small thing that added to her sense that something was off.

  Joy didn't consciously dress to impress, but she apparently did more than usual. Every guy at Vito's turned to watch her walk into the courtyard dining room. Johnny Chianti, the owner, hustled through the crowd to greet her and ask how she was doing. "How YOU doin?" he asked in his best Rocky impersonation. Key West was a small place and most of the service people knew each other. Johnny made it a point to know all the pretty restaurant workers, anyway.

  "I'm good Johnny, meeting Crystal, is she here yet?" Joy smiled at Johnny.

  "That crazy bitch from Don's?" Johnny asked. "No, haven't seen her. And may I say," Johnny continued taking in a sweeping view of Joy from head to foot, "You look lovely tonight. Where's your boy?"

  "My man is out night fishing, I'm single tonight," she said, almost annoyed.

  "Oh, he's out with the guys huh? Well, have a good time and take my advice, lose the nut job early before she starts drinking, and... speaking of which, can I get you something?" Johnny was always the perfect host.

  "No, I'll sit and wait for Crystal, thanks." Said Joy.

  "Fugghedaboudit" was Johnny's standard reply. The restaurant's motto was "Fugghedabout da rest, Vito's is da best," and it really was the best Italian food on the Island.

  It was Tuesday night and a local group of musicians were setting up to play. They were called "The Love Lane Gang" as they all lived on Love Lane. They were varied ages and training but enjoyed playing with each other and used Vito's to practice every Tuesday night. They all got to drink and eat pizza for free and have the space to rehearse. They were beginning to make a name for themselves and had regular paying gigs at other places in town. There was a standup bass player, a guy with a mandolin, two ukuleles people, a washboard player, two guitar guys and a kazoo player. Even better than the music, which was a funky Caribbean bluegrass acoustic blend, the enjoyment each musician displayed when playing created an environment of energized happiness that was contagious to the listening patrons. Diners danced, sang along, clapped and had as good of a time as the band themselves.

  Joy was sat at one of the plastic chairs, beside the folding wooden table with a plastic red checker
ed tablecloth. Ritchie, the server, greeted her and asked if she wanted something to drink. She politely told him she would have a glass of Pinot Grigio while she waited for someone.

  She sipped her wine, and the band started to play, strumming "Sweet Georgia Brown". By the time the band played a Beatles tune, Joy was on her third drink, slowly starting to relax and beginning to contemplate the state of her existence. She realizes that while she was not truly happy with her relationship with Brian, it's a lot better than being alone. Being in a less-than-optimal relationship was preferable to being alone, she tells herself.

  She smiled as several customers stood up to dance to "Lady Madonna." She saw Crystal walking in and was not surprised to see her immediately walk up to one of the pretty girls that had come with the band and then start to dance with her, even before acknowledging Joy or sitting down. As she danced somewhat seductively, staring at the other girls ample breasts, Joy thought that at least she knew who her friend was tonight. Maybe John had been right on and she would make a short night of it rather than be subjected to Crystal's antics all night with other women. Maybe, Joy thought, if I dare introduce Crystal to Stormy, then they would either get along or kill each other.

  After the dance and getting the cell phone number of the big breasted girl, Crystal joined Joy. She immediately picked up Joy's wine glass and drained it, stating "Got thirsty dancing with" she pulled out the napkin with the girls info, "Diedre" she smiled smugly. She looked at Joy and asked "What was that? It's good."

  "Pinot Grigio, are you hungry?" inquired Joy. She was beginning to question the (intelligence) of going out with crazy Crystal. But again, it was more comfortable to hang out with a known crazy than to take the risks of going out alone.

  "Always but watching my weight. I'll eat a salad or something, but let's get a bottle of Pinot Grigio, okay?" Crystal then stood up and started waving madly for the waiter Ritchie. "He's hot isn't he?" She asked Joy after Ritchie had taken their order. "I wonder if his girlfriend is tatted like him?"

  Ritchie had 29 tattoos. He and his girl had recently counted them while naked in bed. Both arms and his full chest and back were covered, not in monochromatic prison ink, but beautifully done with artistic form and color. Most of the work was covered by his work shirt, but his forearms revealed the extensive art and two large colorful flowers peeked upwards not quite onto his neck, but high enough for the upper yellow and pink pedals to be seen.

  "Oh my God" thought Joy, "Here we go, and it's early, yet."

  Ritchie came up to the table to take their order. Joy started by ordering a crabmeat-stuffed Portobello mushroom with Aurora sauce, a light marinara and alfredo mix. She asked the tattood hunk for the clams and linguini.

  "Penne or spaghetti?" inquired Ritchie.

  "Ah, linguini?" asked Joy peevishly already knowing the answer, then changed her mind. "No, spaghetti okay?" Ritchy smiled and looked towards Crystal.

  "I'll have one of you!" Crystal purred as she undressed Ritchie with her eyes, imagining the extent of art all over every inch of his lithe torso.

  Ritchie was used to this. "Sorry, not on the menu," he replied with a grin.

  Looking rejected and pouty, Crystal looked down at the menu and said "Aww. Just a little salad, then."

  Without looking up from his pad Ritchie said "You gotta feed that appetite."

  Joy smiled knowing to which exact appetite the handsome waiter was referring.

  "Well, okay," Crystal started looking at the menu, "Maybe some garlic knots and calamari, first." She looked up at Joy and added "You'll help right?" and then she looked at Ritchie, and licking her lips, continued with "Mozzarella sticks too, please? I'm famished."

  Joy found the little white clams particularly delicious but was surprised when Ritchie told her they were frozen from Viet Nam. There sure had tasted fresh. Now she didn't have to feel bad selling that frozen Pangasius fish as the "Catch of the day." People loved it thinking it was locally caught, but who knows where it originally came from? No one ever complained about the fish.

  Chapter Three

  AFTER DINNER and listening to the Love Lane Gang, Joy and Crystal decided to check out a couple of the local hang outs. Joy's ultimate plan was to end up back at Schooner's and leave Crystal with Stormy. Joy was sure both girls would thank her later. But with a full meal including a chocolate chip cannoli under her belt, not to mention a bottle of wine, Joy was in a good place and in no hurry to do anything that required energy and focus.

  There first stop was to visit Ritchie's girl, Rachael, at the new tequila bar beneath the Roof Top Cafe. All they served there were high end drinks and shots. It was right on the beach at the southern most end of the key. Luckily, they had a somewhat liberal pricing structure that encouraged locals and service people to come in. If they do come, they were given half the price than what was offered to the tourists.

  Rachael had a rare combination of physical beauty and intelligence. Even with the experience of her 23 years being pretty and smart, she sometimes struggled fitting in. She often found the drivel from the girls she worked with and hung around somewhat childish and without substance. She usually found those her own age to be narrow, stuck-up or so conceited that no one could stand to be around them for very long. Consequently, Rachael struggled every day, with every interaction to find a common zone in which to interact. It was exhausting.

  Brian had been partying hard with his collection of derelict friends. All of them were unemployed or were part-time fishermen. They were all salt water conchs and had grown up together. None of them gave a thought towards the future or could remember the past. The only demands placed upon them were from the sea, it was how they defined themselves.

  Brian would never have thought that Joy would go back to her job on her night off. So he felt perfectly okay going to see Stormy. At least it seemed like a good idea after smoking a blunt, downing a couple of shots and doing a line or two or three. When he got there, it was mid dinner rush so he sat at the bar and continued to drink. The bartenders knew that he lived with Joy and wouldn't charge him anything, or very little if the owner was close by watching.

  After a little while, Brian was able to catch Stormy's attention. She sidled up to the bar next to him and without anyone noticing he took her hand and placed it in his lap. She felt and then grasped the semi erect penis growing under her touch and he whispered "Take a smoke break."

  Stormy smiled and without hesitation whispered back "Five minutes behind the cooler."

  The Schooner Wharf was situated on the coast of the Key West islet. They were building a new structure next to the existing restaurant and for the past year a large refrigerated truck was parked across a narrow path just inland to the tiki bar-restaurant area. The area was fenced off and at this time only the bar back ventured over there to grab beer to restock the bar. Enough crap happened behind the refrigerated truck that the bar back wouldn't think twice or think to explore two people hanging out in the darkness out back.

  "Only got a few minutes" she said as she impaled her mouth on his engorged member. Three minutes later she was spitting and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she started back towards the restaurant without a word, just a smirky smile.

  As Stormy entered the street in front of the entrance she met Joy and Crystal getting out of a "Five Sixes" taxicab. Her smirk broadened into a full-fledged grin, a sneer, really.

  "How you doing?" inquired Joy pleasantly.

  "I was just grabbing a smoke, you know, over there," somewhat nervously gesturing towards the fenced in area. Brian should be walking out right behind her. That is exactly why she did it, wasn't it? She wanted Joy to see who she was with and what she had been doing.

  "Not 'what' are you doing, 'how' are you doing? Two separate questions, Don't care "what," just "how." Joy smiled at her co-worker and friend.

  "I'm fine" was all she replied.

  Crystal had climbed out of the taxi minivan and had joined the conversation. "Fucked up, insecure, neuro
tic and emotional, that's what "fine" means. Hey Storm, long time no see, I'm "fine" too. Hey, I think I left something at your house last night."

  "Yep, I got it put away for you, you careless bitch." Stormy replied through an unchanged evil grin."

  Joy thought to herself that it made perfect sense that these two already knew each other, she should have known. "Well, I'm out," Joy announced."Gonna walk home and wait up for Brian."

  Joy had read the undercurrent of attraction between Crystal and Stormy and really had had enough of the whole Key West party to you puke, drop or go to jail lifestyle. A good night's sleep and tomorrow she planned on looking at her life from a fresh vantage point. It was time for serious review and restructuring.

  Brian had seen Stormy stop at the taxi that had just pulled up and talk to whoever had arrived. When he surprisingly recognized who were getting out from the cab, he had ducked back to the rear of the fenced compound. It was an easy vault over the chain link to escape unnoticed out the back and a short walk back to the Red Garter Saloon on the 200 block of Duval.

  Joy started walking away from the Schooner's Wharf; she spent enough time there and didn't want to be there now. She wasn't, however, ready to go home to an empty house. Glad to be alone with her own thoughts uncontaminated by anyone else's drama, she sauntered off without a firm direction or destination in mind. She was content in her own space on a balmy tropical night in paradise.

  It was a perfect night for a walk; the air had been dry as all the humidity had been sucked away by the recent storm. Temperatures had remained slightly cool around 80 degrees at night. It seemed as if people had come out of hiding from the little thunder storm and people were walking on the sidewalks and streets, bicycles with a single beam of light darted in and out, scooters with "Rent me for the day" logos chugged haltingly between blocks. A few of the scooters lurched erratically as the driver hadn't quite figured out the basic operation of the vehicle yet or had alcohol on the brain. As she neared Duval, Pedi-cabs became involved in the island's transportation scene, with more than a few motorcycles and cars. This volume of pedestrian and motored traffic was not due to any Key West event like Fantasy Fest or Conch Days. This was just a typical weekday night in the southern most U.S.A. The number of people and vehicles coming in could quadruple and perhaps even more during annual festivals on the Key.