Eve Snow Psychic PI: The Case of the Secret Admirer 1 Page 5
“So far, the police haven’t released any details as to the cause of death but Detective Chad Morrison, lead investigator on the case, has stated that they’re leaving no stone unturned in finding the person who killed Ms. Cranston.”
So they hadn’t told the general public about the spider yet. That was probably a good thing. It could cause widespread panic if the community residents heard about a deadly spider that may or may not be on the loose. Her doorbell rang and she turned the volume back down.
Even though she was pretty sure that Chad was on the other side of her door, she looked through the peephole anyway. Sure enough, Chad stood on the porch peering intently at the door. Eve opened the door quickly to let him in out of the cold.
“You know, that peephole doesn’t do you a lot of good if everyone on the other side of it can tell when you’re looking through it,” he said by way of greeting.
“It’s the thought that counts,” Eve laughed as she took his coat. “Let’s talk in here. Can I get you anything?”
“I’m good, thanks. You said you had something new to tell me about Sara’s murder?”
“Yes, that’s right. Of course, you’re in a hurry to get home. I’m sure you’ve had a long day. I’ll get right to it.”
Then Eve proceeded to tell Chad about her dream. Unlike most people, Chad had known Eve for a very long time and never discounted her abilities. That’s why he took anything that Eve told him very seriously. Together, they took the dream apart bit by bit and dissected it to see exactly what information was really there for them to use.
“Ok,” Chad said. “She said something about a secret admirer. In the vision you had at her house, you saw her bringing in a package wrapped in black paper with a silver ribbon. It’s possible that someone sent her that gift and signed it as a secret admirer.”
“That would make a lot of sense,” she said. “Have you talked to her friends and family yet?”
“We’re still sifting through them because most of them have been difficult to track down. They were at work or out of town or something. We’re still working on talking to everyone.”
“Do you mind if I tag along on some of those interviews?”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Chad replied. “By the way, where’s your other half tonight?”
“Hunter is having a family night,” Eve said a bit sarcastically.
“Uh oh, I’m sensing trouble in Paradise here.”
“No, it’s not really anything like that,” Eve sighed. “I just did something stupid and I guess he’s going to make me pay for it. We’ve already talked on the phone and he’ll be back in the morning. It will be okay. You know me, Chad. I’m not used to relationships and apparently I’ve got a lot to learn. But I’ll admit that I really do miss him.”
“Well, Evie, compromise is important in all successful relationships. You two obviously love each other and that’s the main thing. As long as you’re still talking, you’ll be fine,” Chad comforted her.
“I’m pretty sure that you’re right, Chad, but thanks for saying that.”
“I do believe it, Evie. And now I really need to get home. I’ve got a bed there that’s got my name on it.”
They both stood up and Eve walked Chad to the door, stopping on the way to hand him his coat. He hugged her and was just starting to leave when Eve stopped him one more time.
“Are we still on for me to visit Sara’s house tomorrow?” she asked.
“Oh yeah, I can take you over sometime in the morning, probably around 10. Do you want to just meet me there?” he asked.
“Sure, I’ll be there. Hopefully, Hunter will be with me.”
~ ~ ~ ~
Read the next book by Sandra Ross:
If you like this book, you will also like When Madness Strikes...
Eve sees how Sara died through her visions, but she can’t see who killed her. After gathering information about the case, Det. Chad Morrison and Psychic P.I. Eve Snow now focus on Sara’s murderer, the Secret Admirer.
Sara visits Eve in her dreams and warns her that the Secret Admirer is plotting the next murder, and asks her to look into her past, which puzzles Eve. She joins Chad in investigating all options to uncover more information about the mysterious murderer.
While Hunter’s concern grows as he watches Eve pass out from her visions. He wants to help, but Eve is just used to working alone. With Hunter gone for the night after their first fight, Eve suffers the consequences of having someone important a part of her life. She hopes that Hunter will push through for her as she and Chad delve deeper into the investigation.
Will Eve and Chad have enough time to save the next victim from an untimely death? Will Eve and Hunter be able to put their differences aside and stay together in love and partnership, before it's too late for the next victim?
The elusive Secret Admirer may have more evil plots than Eve will ever know….
Unravel more of this fascinating book, continue reading When Madness Strikes...
~ ~ ~ ~
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THE NIGHT WAS long and restless for Eve without Hunter there. In addition, she kept thinking back to her dream of Sara. Many times through the night she reached for Hunter, only to find his side of the bed empty. Then she would remember that he wasn’t there with her.
It seemed impossible to her how quickly she had grown used to him being there. Both her heart and her body craved him. Eve was rarely afraid of anything, but she found that she was afraid now. Her fear came from the thought of losing Hunter. Getting over him was the hardest thing she had ever done. Of course, as it turned out, she hadn’t really gotten over him at all. She had just pushed him as far into the back of her mind and heart as she could while simply carving out a life for herself.
She had just thought she was happy. Nothing could have prepared her for what she felt now. With Hunter, Eve had found everything her life had been missing. This was what she wanted. He was what she wanted! Why had she snapped at him like that? She hadn’t needed to do that.
Well, tomorrow she was going to prove to Hunter Vale that he was the most important person in her life. He was going to see just how much she loved him.
Around 2AM, she got up and rummaged around until she found her sleeping pills. Breaking one in half, she washed it down with water and returned to bed. Maybe a half of the pill would help her relax enough to sleep. She needed to be alert in the morning and taking a whole one might just make her sleep a full eight hours before being adequately awake.
As it turned out, the half a pill worked quite well, allowing her to relax just enough to fall into a restful sleep.
Eve! Please hear me! Did you tell the police about the Secret Admirer? There’s going to be another murder soon!
Trying to make her eyes open, Eve was able to ma
ke out a shape by her bed.
Sara! Okay, I’m listening, but you’ve got to give me some names or something to go on.
Look to your past, Eve! This is about you and you’ll be the last victim.
It’s the Secret Admirer! You must find the Secret Admirer!
The next victim has been chosen and she’s already received her first gift!
You’ve got time to save her, Eve, but you must work quickly! Her name is…
There was a shrill noise coming from downstairs. Eve struggled to remain asleep because Sara had been about to give her the name of the next victim. Dammit! Why did this keep happening?
Suddenly, she realized that it was daylight outside and that the shrill noise was her doorbell ringing.
Leaping out of her bed, she flew down the stairs and didn’t even bother to look through the peephole this time. Unlocking the door, she quickly jerked it open to find Hunter standing on the other side. They stared at each other for a few seconds.
Eve sighed and smiled at him, noting that, from the looks of it, he had not slept very well the previous night, either. He looked at her with such longing in his eyes that her knees nearly gave way underneath her.
“May I come in?” he asked.
“Of course you can come in! Why didn’t you use your key?”
“I wasn’t sure that would be appropriate under the circumstances.”
“What circumstances?” Eve demanded. “There are no circumstances. Get in here!”
He crossed the threshold into her foyer and she closed the door behind him. Once he was fully inside, she turned to him. Opening her mouth, she started to say something but never got the chance. They were suddenly in each other’s arms, kissing like a wildfire had taken hold of them.
Hunter lifted Eve up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, all the while planting heat filled kisses on his mouth, neck, and face.
“Oh, God, Evie, I missed you so much last night!” he growled into her ear in between kisses.
“Show me,” she whispered, with a hint of desperation in her voice. “Show me just how much you missed me.”
Moving his hands down, he grasped her ass and ground himself against her.
“Does that give you a good idea of how much?” he whispered raggedly.
Eve gasped as she felt the proof of what he was saying. Suddenly, her body was on fire as her love juices started to flow. She felt as if she were a primitive animal at the height of mating season as she pressed herself against his hardness.
“I want you inside of me,” she whispered as she sucked on his earlobe. “Right now.”
Turning around so that Eve was against the wall, he kissed her roughly while she used her hands to unzip his jeans. She was none too gentle, either, as she shoved her hand inside of his underwear and claimed her prize. His cock pulsed and throbbed in her hand, which only made her want it that much more.
Removing her legs from his waist, she put her feet back on the floor so that Hunter could remove her bikini panties from under her oversized t-shirt. He lost no time in ridding her of them and moving his hand over the wetness between her thighs. His thumb found her little pleasure bud and he teased it relentlessly. He could feel his hand getting wetter as he moved even faster.
* * *
EVE’S WHIMPERS AND pleas only served to make him more aroused. It didn’t take much longer before she collapsed over his hand and cried out loud and long. As soon as she had crested her wave of pleasure, he turned her around so that she was pushing against the wall. Bending slightly at his knees, he put his cock at her most intimate opening and pushed his way inside of her.
Wet, tight walls surrounded his steel-like rod and massaged it. Eve’s luscious round ass cheeks were up as high as she could get them so that Hunter could plunge upward and into her, which he did over and over again. His moment of release came much too quickly as far as he was concerned, but he couldn’t manage to stop it. Eve’s muscles were wrapped around his throbbing cock and that tightness was producing sensations that he couldn’t stop. He fucked her hard and she took every thrust with gusto.
She took one of her hands from the wall and reached around to caress his full and swollen balls at the last minute. That finished him off. He emptied himself into with a roar that easily drowned out her cries of pleasure.
Afterward, they leaned against each other in the weakness of the afterglow. It may have been more like rutting than making love, but that didn’t matter to either of them. There was plenty of desire and need in the encounter; not to mention lots of satisfaction.
“Good God, woman,” Hunter breathed heavily against her neck. “You’re going to kill me one of these days.”
Eve started to laugh as she attempted to catch her breath.
“Baby, you haven’t seen anything yet,” she gasped out. “We’ve got a lot of time to make up for and we’re just getting started.”
“You know, last night without you was pure torture,” he said. “But there’s a lot to be said for make-up sex.”
Leaning back against Hunter’s chest, Eve took a deep breath. As she did that, he slid his hand underneath her t-shirt and stroked one of her nipples. Her deep, calming breath turned into a gasp of surprise as a thrill of desire coursed through her body again.
“Mmm,” she moaned. “You’re still hard.”
“Yes, that I am,” Hunter whispered. “Is that okay?”
“Oh yeah, it’s more than okay,” she whispered back.
He started to move within her again, slowly this time, as he continued to caress her pebble-like nipples. The heat sizzled between them once more as they moved in the dance of love. His other hand moved down between her thighs to connect with the wetness throbbing there. Everything was slower this time, the franticness of need having been replaced by sweet passion.
“I love how you feel inside of me,” Eve whispered. “You fill me up.”
“Your wetness intoxicates me,” he whispered back.
“Oh God,” Eve sighed as she felt her release coming to a peak.
“That’s it, baby,” he said. “Let it happen. I want to feel you cum over my cock.”
His fingers moved quickly as did the thrusts of his pleasure tool. In such a short time, he had found most of the keys to her excitement and he used them now. Crying out his name, Eve’s body spasmed as ecstasy overtook her. Hunter could feel her intimate muscles contracting over his stiffness. When he knew she was at her peak, he let his own release come.
Together, they cried out over and over until they were spent.
“Hunter,” Eve gasped. “I don’t think my legs are going to hold me up anymore.”
“I know, baby,” he said.
Slowly, he withdrew his cock from her so that she could turn around. Sliding down the wall, she sat soundly on the floor, leaning her head back against the wall gulping in air. He joined her. As he sat beside her, she glanced at his lap.
“Are you kidding me?” she said in astonishment. “You’re still hard!”
Glancing down at himself, he laughed.
“I told you that you don’t know what you do to me.”
Shaking her head, Eve laughed and laid her head on his shoulder. They sat like that for a few minutes catching their breath. Suddenly, Eve straightened up.
“Oh shit!” she said. “What time is it?”
Hunter looked at his watch.
“It’s 8:47AM,” he said. “Why?”
She jumped up from the floor and headed up the stairs.
“Come with me to the shower,” she said as she hurried up the steps. “I’ve got a lot to tell you and not a lot of time to do it!”
AT EXACTLY 10AM, Eve and Hunter were sitting in his car in front of Sara’s house, waiting for Chad to arrive. It looked as if there weren’t any cops around so maybe they had finished processing the house. Eve hoped that they had found the spider even though she didn’t really feel that it was still
on the premises. Sipping her coffee, she glanced sideways at Hunter. She was still a bit sore from their earlier encounter, but it was a good sore. Even now, as she looked at him, she felt that stirring of passion again.
Am I turning into a nymphomaniac? she wondered.
“So what did Suzanne think about you staying at her house last night?” she asked.
Hunter gave a short laugh.
“I didn’t fool my sister for a second,” he said. “She sat me down after dinner and had a heart to heart talk with me. When I told her what happened, she informed me that I was behaving like an ass and that I better fix things with you before the best thing that ever happened to me slipped through my fingers.”
“Hmm,” Eve did her best not to laugh. “I always knew that your sister was a very smart woman.”
“Don’t start,” Hunter warned. “But I agree with her on a few points. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I don’t want to lose you again.”
Eve smiled as she looked down at her coffee.
“You know I feel the same way about you, right?” she said.
“I was hoping that was the case.”
They leaned toward each other so that their mouths could meet. Aware of where they were, the kiss was gentle and slow before they parted.
“Did you call Skylar this morning?” Hunter asked.
“Yep, I did. She’s probably already at the office now. You know, I really do like her.”
“I know you do,” Hunter laughed. “I just wish I had as much confidence in her as you do.”
“Oh, come on!” Eve cried. “How could you not have confidence in her after everything she did yesterday in just a few hours?”