Eve Snow Psychic PI: The Case of the Secret Admirer 1 Read online

  The Case Of The Secret Admirer

  * * *

  Eve Snow Psychic P.I Series 1

  The Case Of The Secret Admirer

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  SARA APPROACHED HER front door with trepidation. She had seen the elegantly wrapped package waiting on the porch just outside the door as soon as she pulled into her driveway.

  Not again, she thought. How much longer was this going to continue?

  It had started a little over a month ago with a dozen red roses delivered to her on a Saturday afternoon. At first, she had been sure that they were from Bryan as a way of apologizing and wanting to make up. But the card on the flowers had read, “From your Secret Admirer.”

  That was rather enticing and exciting. Didn’t most women want to have a secret admirer? Someone who would send wonderful cards and gifts without ever signing their name? Of course, at some point, you wanted the person to reveal himself, but that buildup was so seductive. That’s why she let it go on for so long before deciding that it was a bit frightening.

  The gifts kept coming but they were also getting more personal and, finally, a little creepy. The last gift was the one that had actually chilled her to the core.

  The box had arrived at her house while she was at work. It was wrapped in shiny black paper with a silver ribbon and bow. Inside, there was a very slutty black see through nighty, along with a pair of matching thong panties. This time the card said “See you soon, Your Secret Admirer.”

  Sara was seriously spooked, but she didn’t know what to do about it. Bryan wouldn’t do something like this no matter how pissed off he was at her. This wasn’t his style and it never occurred to her to ask him about any of it. Besides, she really didn’t want to see him again. Not after what he did.

  Well, she thought now, I can’t just stand out here staring at this box.

  She picked it up gently, unlocked her door and went inside. Closing and locking the door behind her, she carried the package into her kitchen and set it down on the bar. She got a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and poured a glass. Sipping the wine, she eyed the package like it might attack her at any second.

  Finally, she set down her glass and reached for the box. Bringing it to her, she started slowly untying the ribbon. Carefully, she removed the paper from the box. It was a square box, about the size of hat box, but it seemed to weigh absolutely nothing. Setting the paper aside, she slid her fingernail underneath the piece of tape that held the lid fastened.

  All she saw were some pieces of black tissue paper; the kind you use to conceal items in special gift bags. Sara wasn’t sure what to think of that. Finally, she reached her hand into the paper and searched the box. She still couldn’t find anything.

  Just as she was starting to withdraw her hand from the box, a sudden, sharp pain shot through the underside of her wrist. Crying out, she jerked her hand out of the box only to discover a horrendous spider clinging to her arm. Screaming in full blown terror now, she leapt from the bar stool and twirled around in circles as she frantically shook her arm trying to disengage the creature. But it hung on, its fangs hooked into her vein pouring its toxic, deadly venom into her body.

  Within mere minutes, Sara began to feel cold and hot at once. Her mouth twitched involuntarily as did other parts of her body. Tears ran down her face and severe nausea gripped her. It was impossible to catch her breath as she frantically tried to get to her cell phone. Someone had to help her!

  But somehow she knew that she wouldn’t make it to her phone and that, even if she did, help wouldn’t arrive in time to save her. She was growing weaker as the venom continued its deadly fast and furious path through her body.

  I don’t want to die, she thought, as her legs collapsed beneath her.

  Sliding down the wall, she half sat, half lay with her legs splayed out before her. The pain was unbearable now but she could tell that it wouldn’t last much longer. Unable to move other than the continuous involuntary twitching, she felt the life in her body literally being sucked out of her by this creature still holding fast to her wrist.

  I wonder who will find me, Sara thought.

  Then there was only blackness.

  * * *

  AS SARA LAY fighting for her life in her kitchen, a pair of eyes watched from a rear kitchen window. Glittering with maniacal excitement, they watched as Sara writhed in pain. Yes, now was the time to go in and let Sara see just who was responsible for her untimely departure from this life. Besides, the Secret Admirer needed to collect the instrument of destruction. It wouldn’t do to make things too easy for the police once Sara was discovered.

  Slipping in through the sliding glass doors, the Secret Admirer walked directly into the kitchen where Sara gasped and fought for her life. She looked up into the face of her executioner and recognition, followed by horror, flashed across her face. It couldn’t be possible! Yet, it was.

  Sara’s tormentor smiled at down at her before picking up the gift box that had brought death to her. Leaning down, the Secret Admirer deftly detached the venomous creature from Sara’s wrist with gloved hands and encouraged it to scurry back inside the box. Replacing the lid insured that the spider would stay put for now.

  Reaching down, the Secret Admirer brushed Sara’s hair from her eyes almost tenderly.

  “Don’t worry, Sara. It’s almost over. You won’t be suffering much longer, I promise. I hope you understand why this had to happen. I just couldn’t let you get away with it. Try to relax. Stop working so hard to breathe. It’s not going to help you. No one is going to get to you in time to save you. It will be much easier for you if you just let death take you.”

  Sara was trying to speak but her voice made only a very soft whisper.

  “Why?” she tried to ask her murderer.

  “Poor, dear Sara. If you try very hard, you’ll understand everything.”

  The Secret Admirer sat with Sara until the final breath left her body and her eyes, frozen in uncomprehending horror, stared as if they were still seeing something terrible.

  I’ll just hang around for a little while longer, thought the Secret Admirer. I bet there will be someone coming soon. I wouldn’t want to miss all of the excitement.

  This one murder might not bring in the incomparable Eve Snow, but it wouldn’t be long before her interest would be attracted. Someone would probably want to hire her eventually. That’s when things would really get interesting. Oh yes, Ms. Eve Snow would be made to pay for her sins and that retribution was starting right now.

  I’ll just wait a little while longer. Someone will come to look for Sara sooner or later. I don’t want to miss it.

  As the Secret Admirer was thinking that, someone arrived in the driveway of Sara’s house. A woman got out of the car and headed to the front door. Leaving just as quietly and expertly as entering had been; the Secret Admirer stole back out of the house carrying the box as well as all of the wrapping and ribbon. Moving stealthily to a car parked on a side road across the street from Sara’s house, no one was the wiser. Settling in, the Secret Admirer sat back to watch the drama unfold.

  Now the fun can really begin.


  EVE SNOW WAS slowly waking up to subtle probing from behind her.

  Smiling, she kept her eyes closed and waited to see what would happen next. This had quickly become Hunter’s favorite way of waking her up and getting their day started, but she had found that it was just fine with her.

  His rock hard erection moved against her bare luscious ass cheeks as she felt him pressing himse
lf against her. That was all it took for her own juices to start flowing in eagerness. Slipping his throbbing cock between her upper thighs, his arm snaked around her body and his hand began teasing her sensitive little nipples.

  Her love honey had already made its way to Hunter’s needy member and he was sliding himself back and forth between her thighs, teasing her stiff little rosebud of pleasure. It amazed her still that he had to do so little to get her to the point of no return. But she relished it and welcomed it.

  Giving herself over to this newfound freedom of pleasure, Eve felt her spasms beginning. Throwing herself into motion, she moved rapidly back and forth over Hunter’s cock. Moving just as quickly, Hunter replaced his cock with his fingers and deftly slid himself inside of her most intimate of places. Pushing into her, he felt her muscles contracting over his rod of steel. As she cried out in ecstasy, he gave into his own orgasm, exploding deep within her while uttering a guttural growl.

  “Mmmm,” Eve purred as she settled herself against his chest. “Hunter Vale, the things you do to me.”

  Leaning his head down to kiss the back of her neck, Hunter laughed softly.

  “Evie, my love, I haven’t even begun doing things to you,” he promised.

  “God, you just might kill me, you know.”

  “Never. My only intent is to make you weak with pleasure.”

  “Well, I think it’s safe to say that you’re doing an excellent job of that,” Evie giggled.

  Glancing up at the clock on her nightstand, she saw that they still had a few minutes before they absolutely had to get up. Smiling contentedly, she closed her eyes again and just reveled in the warmth of Hunter’s arms as they held her close to his body. She could feel his heart beating against her back. This new part of her life was something she was still adjusting to but she had to admit to loving every second of it.


  “Yes, sweetheart.”

  “I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  They both dozed off a little after that until the alarm sounded on Eve’s clock radio. Reaching over blindly to hit the off button, Eve rolled over onto her back and spent a little time simply waking up. She wasn’t exactly a morning person and never really had been. So it was safe to say that she wouldn’t be bounding out of the bed all bright eyed and bushy tailed.

  “It’s that time, huh?” asked Hunter sleepily.

  “Yep, that it is,” Eve replied. “I’m headed to the shower. Would you like to join me?”

  “When I have ever turned down that particular invitation?” Hunter laughed.

  Eve sat up, swinging her gorgeous toned legs over the side of the bed. Her long dark hair was tangled seductively around her face and she looked mischievously at Hunter from the side of her sexy whisky-colored eyes.

  “Wanna race?” she challenged.

  Hunter was up on his feet and flying toward the bathroom at an unbelievable speed almost before Eve had finished her sentence. She tore off after him. Ducking under his arm at the bathroom entrance, she managed to push him out of the way and win the race once more.

  “You never play fair!” Hunter complained.

  “Sure I do,” Eve countered. “It’s just that you keep treating me like some fragile creature that will break if you aren’t careful. I keep telling you that I’m very good at taking care of myself. Apparently, you’re either not listening or you just don’t believe me. And that’s how I keep winning.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Hunter said. “Are we going to take a shower or not?”

  Eve laughed.

  “We are as soon as you turn the water on,” she teased.

  The warm spray cascaded over the two of them as they took turns washing each other’s bodies. This was something that they had found they both enjoyed. It allowed them to have a reason to touch, as if they needed an excuse for that. But there was just something so sensuous about performing such an intimate act as washing each other that it had almost become a sacred ritual between them.

  Since Eve and Hunter had reconnected a couple of months ago, they had been nearly inseparable. In fact, Hunter was now completing the steps to become a licensed private investigator so that he could be partner at Eve’s PI agency. The kidnapping of his niece had changed both of their lives drastically in bringing Hunter a total career change, as well as the plans for a wedding in the spring. After so much pain in the past, life was finally good. For now.

  Wrapped in a bath towel, Eve padded barefoot back into her bedroom. A flashing light caught her eye. Walking toward her nightstand, she saw that her cell phone was alerting her to a voice mail. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she picked up the phone to hear the message.

  “Hey, Eve, this is Chad,” a male voice said. “Please call me as soon as you get this. It’s really important. I’m at 555-3680. Thanks.”

  Hmm, I wonder what that’s all about, Eve thought. I better call him back.

  Chad Morrison had been a close friend to Eve for years. They had practically grown up together. After college, when she decided to go into business as a private investigator, Chad had opted for the police academy. He had done quite well for himself, and had just made detective for the homicide squad, the youngest on board.

  His voice had sounded very serious; so serious that an involuntary chill went through her.

  Punching in the numbers, she returned Chad’s call. She knew something was very wrong when he answered the call before the first ring had even completed.

  “Morrison,” he said abruptly.

  “Hey, Chad, it’s me. What’s up?”

  “Hey, thanks for calling me back so quickly. I’ve got a situation here and I need to talk to you,” Chad replied. “It’s bad, Evie. It’s really bad.”

  “You’re kind of scaring me, Chad,” Eve said. “Can’t you just tell me what’s wrong?”

  She heard Chad sigh deeply before answering her.

  “Do you remember Sara Cranston?”

  “Sara? Sure, we’ve been out of touch lately, but we were pretty close friends in college and after. Is she okay?”

  “I wouldn’t use that term to describe her condition, Eve. She’s dead.”

  For several seconds, Eve wasn’t sure she had heard him correctly.

  “She’s dead? What the hell, Chad?”

  “We don’t know very much at the moment,” he replied. “Her sister found her last night. They were supposed to go out to dinner together. When she got here, Sara didn’t answer the door but her sister has a key so she went in. That’s when she found her. We’ve been here all night gathering evidence and trying to piece things together. I’m heading back to the office now.”

  “Wow,” Eve breathed. “Do you want swing by here on your way?”

  “Yeah, that would probably be best for now. There are a couple of really strange elements involved that you might be able to help with. For now, at least, I’d like to keep this unofficial until we know more. I might want to pull you in later, in a more official capacity.”

  “Sure, Chad, I understand. Anything you need.”

  “Thanks, Evie. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  She was still sitting on the bed, holding the phone when Hunter joined her. Freshly shaved, he walked over to her wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Hey, babe, what’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Do you remember Sara Cranston?” she asked.

  “Sara? Oh yeah, she was the one who came over to get your stuff when you moved out,” he replied.

  “Yes, that’s her.”

  “Was that her on the phone?” he asked.

  “No, that was Chad Morrison. He’s on his way here to talk. Apparently, Sara was found dead at her house last night.”

  “What! Dead? What happened to her?”

  “Chad said it looks like she was murdered but they’re not sure what happened.”

  Slowly sinking to the bed beside of her, Hunter had a rather shocked look on his face.

  “I’m not
even sure what to say.”

  “Yeah, I know how you feel. Why would anyone want to hurt Sara?” Eve said almost to herself.

  “Anyway, I need to get dressed,” she said. “He’s going to be here in a few minutes.”

  Hunter nodded absently as she stood up.


  APPROXIMATELY TWENTY MINUTES later, Eve was dressed in some form-fitting jeans and a baggy violet sweater and was standing in her kitchen getting coffee started. Just as she pushed the button on the coffee maker, her doorbell rang.

  “Coming,” she called, as she hurried toward the front part of the house.

  “Hi, Chad, come on in,” she said as she stood aside to let him enter.

  “I appreciate you seeing me on the spur of the moment like this,” he said as they hugged.

  “Oh, it’s fine,” she said. “Hunter and I were already up. In fact, we were getting ready to have some coffee. Would you like some?”

  “Actually, I would love a cup,” Chad said. “I need something to keep me fueled, and you certainly make some of the best coffee I’ve ever had.”

  “Flatterer!” Eve laughed. “Come back to the kitchen with me.”

  Chad sat down on one of the stools at the bar while Eve poured them both some coffee.

  “So how are you and Hunter getting along?”

  “You know, I never thought I’d hear myself saying this, but we’re really good. Honestly, Chad, I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. We’re getting married in May.”

  “Seriously?” Chad looked a little stunned. “That’s great, Evie! So I guess love really is better the second time around.”

  “Yeah, I’d have to agree with that sentiment.”

  “Where is Hunter anyway?”

  “Oh, he’ll be down in a minute. He’s still getting dressed.”

  “Let’s wait for him and that way I can tell you both at once what’s going on.”

  “That works,” Eve said, as she sipped her coffee. “I still can’t believe that someone would want to hurt Sara.”